IBS CompreCoreIBS CompreCore
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IBS CompreCore is a tier one Outside Plant (OSP) and Inside Plant (ISP) value added reseller of power, fiber optic and copper cable. Our customers include major telecommunications and power companies throughout the United States.

IBS CompreCore is focused on our customers’ needs. We drive cost out of their existing supply chain while improving the delivery of critical products/services, and a commitment to quality, which enables our clients to continuously enhance the delivery of services to their customers. This value proposition creates an alliance partnership with our clients that our competition cannot match.

Value Added Services include but are not limited to:

Order Management and Fulfillment
Cut to length Programs
Kitting and Light Assembly
Inventory Management (JIT)
Warehousing and Distribution

IBS CompreCore has the ability to service client supply chain requirements throughout the continental United States. We are currently executing a multi-year contract for Maintenance Aerial Service Wire spanning the 38 state footprint of a major telecommunications company.

To ensure operational efficiencies, back-office services and controls are cost effectively managed utilizing a distributed architecture fully supportive of EDI transaction sets required by most e-commerce applications.

IBS CompreCore's infrastructure encompasses a robust Enterprise Resource Plan and Warehouse Management System.

IBS CompreCore
1561 North Olden Avenue
Ewing, New Jersey 08638

609.695.5200 (P)
609.695.5285 (F)

IBSCompreCore.com Inquire@IBSCompreCoreUSA.com
1561 North Olden Avenue • Ewing, New Jersey 08638